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The challenge at home
He deliberately echoed Mao's words in 1949 atop the Gate of Heavenly Peace in Tiananmen Square: "The Chinese People have stood up."
More recently, on October 5, the Saudi- and Russian-led OPEC+ cartel announced its plans to reduce oil production. Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil producer, maintains the decision was strictly about its financial and commercial interests, as well as market stability.
In November 2015, I took off from the Philippine Island of Palawan in a tiny single engine Cessna. Our destination was the Philippine-controlled atoll of Pagasa, 400 miles away in the middle of the South China Sea. Our plan was to pass close to a new Chinese military base, built on an artificial island atop "mischief reef".
Their tutor told the BBC she had been looking for a "fun way" to ensure "integrity and honesty" in her classes.
He says the party needs a "unity ticket" in wake of the economic situation, and that there's no point spending another four to five days voting for a leader.
"My first introduction to China was in the 1980s, when the debates about China's future were huge, significant, and consequential," Prof Karl says. "The party itself was involved in those debates. But 1989 shut that down."
In the spring of that year hundreds of thousands of students and workers occupied central Beijing to protest against corruption and rising prices, and demand reform. Behind the high walls of the Communist Party's leadership compound, Zhongnanhai, the party's top rung split. Moderates led by Zhao tried to use the protests to push further reform. Hardliners, led by Premier Li Peng, believed the students' goal was to overthrow the party, and wanted the protests quashed.
The only thing that remains from Mao-era China is the party. And that, she says, is what Xi truly cares about.
list of 4 items
Now China is saying it out loud, and its "wolf warrior" diplomats, named after a patriotic action film franchise, are going on the verbal offensive. In China this is hugely popular.
"It drives you crazy," he says. "It's a mixture of depression and anger. After a while you feel like you cannot breathe. Your body starts to shut down. Every day is the same. It's like time has stopped."
Speaking on BBC Radio 4's World at One programme, Freeman says that though Mordaunt is a "fantastic candidate" who should be at the top of the next Conservative cabinet, "it is essential that we come together to demonstrate stability and unity".
Despite having been forced out, you also learn a lot about the occupiers just by looking around.
It was implemented for recent mid-term exams, which were sat by hundreds of students at the college in the third week of October.
Xi's goal, according to him, is a glorious mythical Chinese culture - tian xia or "all under heaven". A unified China that is home to a unified people. "The Chinese patriot is somebody who loves China, the Communist Party and its leader," Prof Tsang says. "And by Chinese he means Han culture."
And it appears to have paid off. Li Qiang, the Shanghai party chief who oversaw the city's controversial shut down, has been elevated to premier, Xi's second in command.


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