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In 2007 Bo was sent to run Chongqing, a vast city that straddles the Yangtze River in the mountains of southwest China. It was infamous then for organised crime.
Ms Hartley said she had found it impossible to make direct contact with someone from the platform to get help.
"I have reached the decision that senior experience at the heart of government matters most.
Xi was a princeling - the son of one of Mao's lieutenants, Xi Zhongxun, who had been purged and later rehabilitated. Colleagues described the younger Xi as humble, self-disciplined and hardworking but otherwise unremarkable. Even on the eve of his elevation to general secretary of the Communist Party there was little hint of what was to come.
As we've been reporting, fewer than 30 Mordaunt-backers have declared their support publicly - although her team says she has many more.
Xi's goal, according to him, is a glorious mythical Chinese culture - tian xia or "all under heaven". A unified China that is home to a unified people. "The Chinese patriot is somebody who loves China, the Communist Party and its leader," Prof Tsang says. "And by Chinese he means Han culture."
Following Bo's stunning fall, hundreds of thousands of party cadres were put under investigation. More than 100,000 were indicted for corruption, including 120 high-ranking officials. Corruption plummeted and Xi's popularity soared.
"I thought, 'what have I done? I've made a film that's helping rape culture'."
In 1989 - as the Soviet Union was breaking up - China's hopes for change were crushed by tanks and automatic gunfire.
China was getting richer faster than any other country in history. But that unleashed other forces.
But they never made it this far. Twenty miles on, a rusty watermelon monument marks the tide mark of Moscow's advance.
That certainly seemed to be the case under Xi's predecessor, Hu Jintao - corruption was on the rise and his authority was being openly ignored and even challenged.
In the last few moments, former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith has thrown his weight behind Rishi Sunak's campaign.
To the right, piles of dug earth stretch for miles next to the road - a Ukrainian defensive measure to force Russian forces up a single route.
"She believes in leading from the front. She also believes that we need a fresh face to take on all of these challenges."
There is still no power, water, and the locals rely on volunteers for food. Our journey to him took us along poorly surfaced roads, which only deteriorated as we continued south towards the front line.
There is significant military activity. A logistical supply line forms an artery towards Ukraine's continued counteroffensive.
The video clips were quickly removed. The internet is instantly scrubbed of any signs of dissent or criticism, but the ire over zero-Covid has been palpable - even rare signs of protest have emerged, if only for moments, before they are silenced. It's hard to deny that millions of Chinese hold Xi personally responsible for the cruelty of China's grim lockdowns.
This is starkly different from Mao's idea of a multi-ethnic state where, in theory, different groups had more autonomy. Xi's father too had a reputation for conciliation and respect for China's ethnic minorities.
Since Russia invaded Ukraine eight months ago, Western governments supportive of Kyiv tend to speak about the war in black-and-white terms with little sympathy for countries hovering between the West and Moscow.


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